WARREN — The Oakland Center for the Arts Kids First children’s theater will have auditions Tuesday for a production of Disney’s “Beauty & the Beast Jr.”
The show is open to students ages 8 to 18, particularly high school students and boys necessary for the lead roles.
Those ...
WARREN — An actor whose most famous line is, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn,’ helped make audiences give one about the National Packard Museum’s annual Motorcycle Exhibit.
The museum’s 25th Motorcycle Exhibit opens Saturday and among the 38 vehicles on display will be at ...
NILES — Josh Crank likes a challenge.
“Red Herring,” which opens Friday for a three-weekend run at Trumbull New Theatre, provides one.
Crank was asked to direct the Michael Hollinger play after the original director dropped out.
“This show has 24 scene changes in it,” he said. ...
Assorted ramblings from the world of entertainment:
• Lit Youngstown will mark its first decade with what organizers are calling an “(un)gala.”
For an organization devoted to promoting writers and the written word, it should be no surprise that the evening will include readings by ...
ART ON PARK, 180 N. Park Ave., Warren: Wallpaper on Park, 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, free.
BUTLER INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN ART, 524 Wick Ave., Youngstown: “Entangled Attraction, 2022,” through Feb. 16; 85th Area Artists Annual, through Feb. 23; “Charlee Brodsky: The Audacity of the ...
YOUNGSTOWN — I saw the film version of “The Prom” when it arrived on Netflix in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic still was going strong.
It didn’t make much of an impression, except thinking that the film catered to its star-studded cast (led by Oscar winners Meryl Streep and Nicole ...