
Burton Cole

Revisiting bygones with cake in my face

I was a twig-sized seventh-grader at Rowe Junior High School — the puniest of ranks in the strangest and most emotionally unstable three years of a human being’s “wonder years.” I sat at a table with my loud and obnoxious friends in an echo chamber of a lunchroom full of loud and ...

In a pig’s eye, I understand what you said

I mopped my brow with the bottom of my T-shirt. “I am sweating like a pig.” “Nope.” Cousin Ollie shook his head. “Pigs don’t sweat.” “Then how come we say ‘sweating like a pig’?” “WE don’t. YOU do. Real farm kids know better.” I sighed. “My mom says my room ...

Burt’s Eye View: I just had a thought. Now, what was it?

Writing a column every week is hard. Not the writing so much. It’s the coming up with topics week after week that taxes the nooks and crannies of my cerebrum, cerebellum and Cocoa Wheats. That’s why I keep a file of random thoughts and observations — to goose the gerbils in my brain to ...

Some football, Phil and fondue: Welcome, February

As I rooted around for inspirational quotes about February, I came across this ridiculousness: “February: Our last chance to NOT play in the snow.” Whichever great philosopher came up with that piece of faux wisdom obviously isn’t from northeast Ohio! We can NOT play in the snow all ...

Company is coming! Let’s get to ridding!

I stacked tonight’s dirty dishes on top of last night’s still littering the sink. My kicked my balled-up coat further into the corner against the closet door — the coat closet door. I haven’t coaxed the vacuum cleaner to life since… let’s not get into that. I don’t know if my ...

Snow days sure aren’t what they used to be

Snow and ice shut down roads, county offices and Taco Bell. The dire predictions of snow and ice piled up much higher than the actual snow and ice, but still, it was sufficient to keep us tucked away in our homes. I used to dream about days like this when I was a kid. Growing up in the ...