
Bowl of chili leads to warm friendship

It was a beautiful fall evening a few years back.

The sun was just under the horizon and kids were shrieking throughout the neighborhood.

Leaves were just starting to turn, highlighting the cute houses lined up along the street, which slowly dipped down a lazy hill where a group of adults sat, sharing random stories and enjoying the Friday evening.

I was at my friends’ for the weekend just outside of Akron.

As I sat in the driveway with a light blanket and drank some adult grape juice, a woman put a bowl of hot stew-like stuff in my hands.

“Hi, here you go,” she said, like we’d known each other for decades.

“Hi… thanks…?”

I whispered to my friend’s husband, “And who is that? Is the food safe to eat?”

He said it was a neighbor and it was her white chicken chili. It was not only good to ingest, but I was probably going to inhale it, he warned.

He was right.

Neighbor friend brought over a folding chair and the group relaxed outside for hours that night.

My favorite part was listening to all the children running around the cul-de-sac, screaming and laughing. And the free stranger food.

As a child, you’re taught not to accept food from strangers. It’s funny how that changes in adulthood.

Of course before the neighbor left, I had her send me the recipe. It’s one of the few I don’t doctor up too much because it’s just that good.

It’s such a hit that about a year ago we had a soup buffet of sorts in the newsroom. I committed to making this new take on chili.

The night before I dumped everything in a slow cooker and let it make magic while I slept. Once I woke up, I turned it off so it wouldn’t be too hot for the commute to work.

Then at the office, I let it sit on the warm setting for a few more hours.

It was the best bowl of white chicken chili I’ve ever had.

Just a few weeks ago I did it again — made it at night, let it do its thing overnight and took a good amount to work the next day.

A quart also went to my grandma, who loved it.

A secret of mine in any chili is to use chili beans. I just dump them in without rinsing them. If I remember to drain them, great, but if not I don’t lose sleep over it.

The chicken also comes out perfect and shreddable every time. It soaks up the flavors from the seasonings and adds to the consistency so it’s not runny like soup, but more of an even heartier chili.

There’s versatility with this recipe, too. You can use it as a dip or entree.

It’s great topped with fresh avocado slices, a pinch of shredded cheddar cheese and tortilla strips. However you make it, it’s best on a cool or wintry day.


Jamie’s White Chicken Chili


2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breast

2 8-ounce blocks of cream cheese

1 15-ounce can corn

2 8-ounce cans of diced tomatoes with chilis

1 can chili beans

1 can Cannellini beans, drained and rinsed

1 Tbsp. chili powder

1 tsp. cumin powder

1 tsp. paprika


Put chicken in a slow cooker.

Top with ingredients.

Cook on low for at least 4 hours.

Carefully mix ingredients. Chicken will probably pull apart with a spatula.

Continue cooking as long as you need.

Share your favorite recipes and memories with Features Editor Ashley Fox at afox@tribtoday.com.

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