
Senior news

To include or update items in the weekly Senior News list, email information to tmunnell@tribtoday.com or afox@tribtoday.com. The deadline is noon Wednesday for inclusion in that week’s list.

GATHERING PLACE EVENT: The Gathering Place at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 550 N. Broad St., Canfield, is hosting author Carole Ann Drick 11 a.m. on Monday. Drick will discuss key points from her book, “The Last Journey.”

Copies of “The Last Journey” will be available at the event for $10. Cash or check is acceptable.

A box lunch will be provided.

This is a free community outreach social program offered to all senior citizens, held the second Monday of every month. No reservations are required.

If you have a question regarding the Gathering Place event, call 330-533-3531 and select option 4 to leave a message, or email gpcanfield@gmail.com.

AARP TO SPONSOR SHOWS: The Canfield American Association of Retired Persons No. 3104 will sponsor two shows April 29 and 30: “Noah,” and “The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie’s Biscuits.” The tour cost is $485 per person double occupancy two beds and $550 per person single occupancy. There is a reservation fee of $50 per person. Some meals are included with tour cost.

Call Barb Sierp for more information at 330-506-5749 or 330-757-0780.

GATHERING PLACE: A free community outreach social program for seniors at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 550 N. Broad St., Canfield, takes place the second Sunday of each month. A boxed lunch is provided. No reservations are required. For more information, contact Woody Gingery at 330-360-0419 or the church at 330-533-3531.

AUSTINTOWN SENIOR CENTER: The Austintown Senior Center, 112 Westchester Drive, 330-953-1416, austintownseniorcenter.org, has scheduled the following:

• Mondays — 9 a.m., Bible study, sewing; 9:30 a.m., Total Body; 10 a.m., bingo; 10:1, stretch and release; 11:30 a.m., 31 cards game; noon, bridge group, lunch from Bruno Bros.; 12:30 p.m., learn to crochet; 1 p.m., video chair yoga, Mah Jongg.

• Tuesdays — 8:30 a.m., fencing; 9 a.m., tai ji quan, sewing; 10 a.m., bingo, drum your way fit; 11 a.m., video quick yoga; 11:30 a.m. 31 cards game, spades; 11:45 a.m., chair aerobics; noon, unch from Bandidos; 12:30 p.m., games galore, Spanish class.

• Wednesdays — 9 a.m., blood pressure check, sewing, watercolor and drawing; 10 a.m., bingo, dominoes; 11:30 a.m., 31 cards game, double deck pinochle, beginners ukulele; noon, bridge, lunch from Chick-fil-A; 12:30 p.m., 500 bid, intermediate ukulele; 1 p.m., coloring group, wine and brandy making.

• Thursdays — 9 a.m., wood carving, tai ji quan, sewing; 9:45 a.m., weekly membership meeting; 10 a.m. bingo, senior spinning, dominoes, walking club; 10:30 a.m., chair yoga; noon, lunch from Charly’s, 500 bid; 1 p.m., bingo.

• Fridays — 9 a.m., Bible study; 9:30 a.m., senior spinning; 10 a.m., kettlebell and weight training, bingo; noon, informational seminars or Lunch and Learn.

HOSPICE VOLUNTEERS: Patriot Hospice, a branch of Patriot At Home Youngstown / Warren, 986 Tibbetts Wick Road, Girard, is looking for companionship volunteers to visit with hospice patients and their caregivers; people to do errands and tasks around the house; and also administrative duties.

Contact Mary Seybert at mseybert@patriotathome.org.

IN-HOME PRIMARY CARE: Heyday Health provides in-home and telehealth primary care for Medicare and Medicare / Medicaid dual-eligible patients. For more information, call 330-223-7001 or www.heydayhealth.com.

PROGRAM FOR SENIORS: ACTION and MYCAP, along with Christ Centered Church, host seniors offering virtual services for men and women 65 and older. Preregistration is required. Call Elisa Hosey at 234-232-9043 or Micki Coylar at 330-788-7530.

SENIOR WATCH PROGRAM: Liberty residents 60 and older may sign up for the Liberty Township Senior Watch Program. Contact Marcy Orlando at 330-759-1315, ext. 1018, or Michelle Rusu at 330-759-0363, ext. 2002.

CENTER ACTIVITIES: Ohio Living Vivo Center, 201 Wick Ave., Youngstown, is open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information about the center, call 234-232-7221 or visit ohioliving.org. Call in advance to sign up or make reservations.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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