
This is for those who live with risk every day

This column goes out to all of you who live with risk every day of your lives. You know who you are.

You’re the ones who allowed love to happen despite the uncertainty. You had kids. You started your own business. You trusted someone when every fiber of your being screamed at you not to.

I understand all the moments of raw, unfiltered fear you’ve experienced — not the fear of bruising your ego or running through the woods as Michael Myers is hunting you down. But that underlining fear of losing what matters most to you.

And yet, here you are, still doing it.

It is, quite literally, the hardiest thing in the world to love something so deeply and yet to hold it loosely, resisting the urge to covet it out of fear of loss. Finding the balance between those extremes?

It almost feels impossible, doesn’t it? Like a pendulum, we swing back and forth, never in a state of complete stillness. And yet, we keep going.

What amazes me most is the courage it takes to stay on this path even when you know what’s ahead. When you’ve been here before, you’ve felt the heartbreak, the joy, the vulnerability — and yet, you willingly choose to do it all over again.

Nothing is more terrifying than the possibility of losing something you love so much. But nothing is more fulfilling either.

So, this is for you. For those of you who allow things to happen, who relinquish control over what can’t be controlled, who live fully despite the risks. I know that from the outside it might look like you have it all together, but I see the constant battle in your mind.

I know how the “what-ifs” creep in no matter how hard you try to drown them out with life’s distractions. This is for you, the ones who refuse to live stagnant lives, who give others the courage to live fully too.

I’ll never forget a moment after I had my first child.

We had a dinner at our home with an older couple, parents of grown kids. The wife, my friend, asked me how things were going. I looked at her, eyes wide with fear, and admitted how overwhelmed I felt.

I confessed how I was constantly consumed by thoughts of what could go wrong, imagining every possible disaster. I was desperate for her to tell me it would pass, that those thoughts would fade with time.

Instead, she smiled knowingly and said, “It’s normal. And no, those thoughts will never go away.”

It was not the reassurance I had hoped for, but it was a truth I’ve carried with me ever since. Despite that fear, I still chose to have another child. Because this is where it all begins — the giving in. The allowance of fear and failure. The acceptance of joy so overwhelming it takes your breath away.

This is where we find our core, where we uncover both our struggles and our strengths.

Let me tell you, this path is not for the faint of heart. It is not easy. It’s so much simpler to stand by, to disconnect, or to try to control everything around you.

But this column isn’t for those people. It’s for you — the ones who keep going, who push through the fear and show up every day. The ones who realize every decision, comment or lack of having an impact beyond themselves.

You are awesome in ways you may not even realize.

When you share your struggles, you give others the courage to face their own. When you choose vulnerability, you create a safe space for others to be seen and heard.

You are remarkable, not because you’re fearless, but because you’ve chosen to rise above your fears and move forward anyway.

This is to all the moms, the dads, the business owners and the spouses. Really anyone who has allowed for all of life to happen and still kept going on despite of it all.

So from me to you: keep going.

Keep allowing life to happen, in all its messy, imperfect, beautiful glory. You are more than enough, and the world is better because of the way you choose to live in it.

Next week, will not be as mushy … promise.

Mother, author, entrepreneur and founder of Dandelion-Inc, Lisa Resnick wants to hear your story. Share memories with her by emailing lisa@dandelion-inc.com.

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