The confession of a hot mess mom
Me to You
Did you ever see those video shorts about the different types of moms? If you want to check it out, smile a little and also 1,000% relate, take a peek at BuzzfeedVideo’s “The Different Types of Moms You Meet.”
There’s the PTA mom (fully dedicated to school functions and fundraisers), Parenting Expert (always armed with the latest studies and the strongest opinions), Crunchy Mom (organic, homeopathic, and a DIY queen), Hipster Mom (effortlessly cool and ahead of all the trends), and, of course, the all-too-familiar Hot Mess Mom.
Now, a full-fledged confession: I am, without a doubt, the Hot Mess Mom. I own it. I embrace it. I live it daily.
I’d love to blame it on being a working mom, but let’s be real — there are plenty of working moms out there who have their act together. I see them on a daily basis.
So what exactly makes me fall into this category? I wish I could pinpoint it. Maybe it’s that my priorities don’t always align with what other moms see as crucial. Or maybe, just maybe, I’ve realized that a little bit of chaos isn’t the worst thing in the world.
Besides the obvious just trying not to screw up my kids so they grow into kind, functioning adults part, I fully embrace the messiness of life.
You’ll see me at my boys’ sporting events rocking mismatched sweats one day, because I want to be comfy and I didn’t have time to think of a cute comfy outfit, and then looking oddly overdressed the next because I was heading to a nice dinner afterward.
Most of the time, I’m just getting by, but I love life in the thick of it.
I probably try to squeeze in too much.
As a self-proclaimed Hot Mess Mom, I have nothing but love and appreciation for the other moms out there.
To my fellow Hot Mess Moms: thank you for making me feel less alone in this beautiful, chaotic journey.
To the moms who are on top of everything: thank you for filling in the gaps where we might drop the ball.
But I also hope the other types of moms see the value we bring, too.
We may not be the ones with Pinterest-perfect lunches, recycling every can that we open, or have color-coded schedules, but we’re the ones who:
• Bring the humor when things go sideways.
• Never judge other parents for doing things their way.
• Offer words of encouragement when another mom is struggling.
• Show up, even if it’s messy and imperfect.
Not to brag, but I wouldn’t have me any other way.
So tell me, which type of mom are you? Or are you a mix of a few? And if you’re a dad reading this, I’d love to hear — what type of dad are you?
Yes, you have “types” too. Are you the Sports Dad (coaching from the sidelines and reliving the glory days), the Euro Dad (soccer-loving, stylish, and never without an espresso), the Oversharer Dad (telling strangers his kids’ entire life stories), the Overwhelmed Dad (just trying to keep up), the Intellectual Dad (quizzing the kids at the dinner table), or the Still-a-Kid Dad (playing video games, skateboarding and causing just as much chaos as the kids)?
There are plenty more, but I figured this was enough to get the conversation started.
Mother, author, entrepreneur and founder of Dandelion-Inc, Lisa Resnick wants to hear your story. Share memories with her by emailing