Groundhogs, hedgehogs, pizza and long naps
My Sentiments Exactly

Ah, February.
No matter if you pronounce it — feb-BROO-ari (the correct way, BT Dubs) or feb-YOO-ari (like Yogi Bear might refer to it) — there are some absolutely stellar things about this little monthette, so to speak.
I mean, this is that one month of the year that is technically the shortest but kind of feels like it’s 4 1/2 half years long.
Maybe it’s because of the crapload of stuff we try to jam into poor little, weirdly spelled, often mispronounced and “it’s now officially cold in 48 of these 50 states” month.
Now, some of it is really important, valid, wonderful and commemorates key figures in history.
Black History month, which is the top of the list reason February is cool, celebrates amazing people and contributions, and is the numero uno importante reason we elevate this month, period.
OK, so moving along, we also take time out right now to acknowledge Abraham Lincoln and George Washington’s birthdays, which we naturally squashed together as Presidents Day in keeping with our tendency to compact things into one cozy compartment.
Sorry for the slight, forefathers.
Sheesh, it would appear that we humans really are world-class smushers, yes?
But getting back to the month — the old No. 2 outta 12 — that is short on days but long on particularly special ones, a’ight? Sure, we all know about the aforementioned, and yes, two of other obvies, aka, Groundhog and Valentine’s days. But did you know there are some other rare gems hiding in plain sight every February?
For instance, National Women in sports day is celebrated on the first day of shorty month while the 20th is known for being National Love Your Pet Day. That’s tomorrow, as if we need reminded about that. I mean, the more I interact with the humans, the more the canines, felines, fishes, et. al., appeal to me, capisce?
I digress.
It’s Heart Month, also, of course, and taking care of your ticker is easier and more crucial than you might think. It’s in your best interest so just spring for the Cheerios, already.
Anyhoo, I happened upon a site chock full of downright hilariously cool February finds, including but not necessarily limited to:
Feb. 2: Hedgehog Day. You go, Sonic!
Feb. 7: Periodic Table Day. It’s like “Revenge of the Nerds” on steroids.
Feb. 9: National Pizza day. “Garfields” of the world, rejoice!!
Feb. 13: Tortellini Day. Oh yeah, we Italians celebrate food like breathing, yo. It’s our thing. Let it go, already. Hmpf!
Feb. 28: Public Sleeping Day. Now, I am uncertain whether this means that you should pull up a mall bench and doze off or if all the humans should put their beds on the front lawn and wait for March?
But whether or not you go for any of these “holidates” (I’ll go ahead and slip in Galentine’s and Pizza Days, too), I just want to wish a happy second month to all my peeps!
Kimerer is a columnist who can’t wait for March — because it is, at least in theory — the start of springtime no matter what the silly groundhog said! Send her votes for your favorite month, holiday, or even regular old day of the week at