
I believe that unbelief in God is unbelievable

My Sentiments Exactly

I happened upon an article recently entitled … actually I can’t even remember it what it is was called. And frankly, my good peeps, I don’t really care.

Not to be all rude or dismissive or whatnot (well, maybe a little bit), but it grabbed my attention for a very distinct reason. It was about atheists.

Now I know what you’re thinking. Me hating atheists is a bit of an oxymoron, what with hate being such a bad thing and all, and the fact that it seems to be the key to their belief (or should I say NONbelief?) system.

But instead of going down that rabbit hole, I decided to take a positive, fresh and decidedly PK approach to the matter.

I go out on a limb with my opinion each week, always hoping to reach people in a way that makes them happy or at least smile. But I occasionally enter controversial territory, mostly unintentionally, especially when it comes to the Big Guy.

Yes, I’m a card-carrying Catholic, thank you very much. No apologies. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the ultimate trio in my book — of psalms and whatnot, hee!

See what I did there? I digress.

Anyway, without further ado, here are PK’s top five reasons that I believe that not believing in believing is well, just unbelievable. It’s simply impossible to deny the existence of God. Period.

Here are some examples proving that “My Sentiments Exactly” are the right ones (at least in this case):

1) Rainbows. As the story goes, the good Lord promised to never destroy the earth again by way of water. It hasn’t happened, just as He said. Oh, and to underscore the point, He even sent down rainbows for us to enjoy!

2) Babies. I defy anyone anytime anywhere in the universe of ours to honestly say that they can’t believe in God after witnessing the joy of children — your own or anyone else’s!

3) Sunshine. Yes, we are circling a star, but we didn’t create it. You-know-who did. And the rest of the universe. And the aliens, if that’s really a thing.

4) Puppies. Please refer back to No. 1 and substitute humans for canines, a’ight? Enough said.

5) Landscapes. The vista from a mountaintop or the scenic sand beauty of a dessert — either way, pretty compelling evidence of the good Lord.

The creator of creation is the reason for reason — and happiness, love, gratitude, joy and basically for putting all the good in goodness. Spoiler alert: the Big Guy is also just, yo.

Now, this is a concept many refer to as karma. But the bottom line is be warned that what goes around comes around. I’m just hoping I wound my way around the right side of what’s coming and going, capisce?

And one more, just for good measure: I know I am certainly nothing to write home about, to be sure, from the mop of wiry, Brillo pad-esque hair on my head to the tips of my stinky, tippy toes, I do honestly think I’m here on a mission. And it is to let you all know that God is the real deal.

For real.

At least, I’m grateful He made me and gave me so much more than I deserve. Hey, at the end of the day I’d rather be a believer than not. Call me kooky, but it’s a whole lot better off then winding up in that place of eternal punishment, as my pop used to call it.

Heaven knows heaven is the end-all, be-all, the ultimate goal, just like the divine trinity is the beginning, middle and end (as in the Alpha and the Omega) of, you know, everything.

• Kimerer is a believer who does in fact believe that nonbelievers are literally unbelievable. Hit her up with your own core beliefs at pkimerer@zoominternet.net.

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