Ticket stubs
TCHS offers Underground Railroad bus tours
The Trumbull County Historical Society will have four bus tours in September exploring the routes escaped slaves took in their search for freedom.
The tours will leave from the Trumbull County Tourism Bureau at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sept. 7 and 28 and visit some of the most important Underground Railroad sites in the county.
The cost is $45 per person, and reservations are required. To register or for more information, go to trumbullcountyhistory.com or call 330-394-4653.
Outspokin’ Wheelmen plan Trumbull bicycle tour
The 51st Northeast Ohio Century bicycle tour Sept. 15 will feature a new location and new routes.
Participants will leave from Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge, 6400 state Route 46, Mecca, and cycle over mostly-flat Trumbull County terrain. New this year is a 25-mile route with a stop at the Hartford Hills Winery Fall Festival. Riders also will have a 10-mile option and two 50-mile route options. The tour is sponsored by the Out-Spokin’ Wheelmen bicycling club. Lunch will be provided. Helmets are required, and support vehicles will be available to assist riders until 5 p.m.
The cost is $30 in advance or $35 on the day of the ride. Pre-registration is available online at www.outspokinwheelmen.com, or by mailing checks payable to NEOC to: Out-Spokin’ Wheelmen, P.O. Box 1600, Youngstown, Ohio 44501. The mail-in registration deadline is Sept. 10. For more information, call 330-550-3621.
Staff reports