

Ticket stubs

YSU Jazz Combos play Spotlight Youngstown State University Jazz Combos will perform tonight at Bliss Hall’s Spotlight Theater. The Jazz Sextet, directed by Kent Engelhardt, features Niko Kawalick, trumpet; Nick Komara, saxophone; Osa Omoregie, guitar; Carter Ulery, piano; Javin Shafer, ...

Art on Park shows work designed to be touched

Anyone who has leaned in too closely at a fine art museum has heard that ominous voice come through the speakers — “Please step away from the art.” There won’t be any voices discouraging getting close to the work at Art on Park in downtown Warren for Saturday’s Touch on Park ...

Lit Youngstown announces First Wednesday Reader Series guests

A poet and a journalist / playwright will be featured at Lit Youngstown’s next First Wednesday Reader Series event. Jennifer Hambrick is the author of poetry collections “a silence or two,” “In the High Weeds,” “Joyride” and “Unscathed.” Hambrick, who lives in Columbus, ...

This year’s Oscars unpredictable

By the time the Oscars wind around after months of other award shows and constant handicapping, the prizes can feel almost predetermined. Not this year. Sunday’s 97th Academy Awards has more potential drama than any recent year, with many possible outcomes in the top categories, including ...

15 60 75 adds up to 55 for The Numbers Band

For its past anniversary gigs, 15 60 75 The Numbers Band would fill the stage with many of the musicians who’ve surrounded brothers Robert and Jack Kidney and Terry Hynde over the years. The Numbers’ number of musicians tops 20 and includes such luminaries as Devo cofounder Gerald Casale ...

REVIEW: No theft needed; ‘Steal’ earns its laughs at Hopewell

YOUNGSTOWN — Ramona King’s “Steal Away” isn’t referred to as a comedy or even a play. It’s a folk tale. Folk tales tend to be passed down by being told rather than written down, and those stories often get embellished by each storyteller. Hopewell Theatre tells it ...