
SWCD opens fish sale

Trees available for purchase until March 21

YOUNGSTOWN — The Mahoning Soil and Water Conservation District announced plans for its spring fish sale, which supports local pond and lake owners.

Additionally, the district is having a tree sale.

For the fish, orders for fingerlings are due to the district office by May 6. Pickup will be 1:30 to 3 p.m. May 12 at the Canfield Fairgrounds.

Fish available for order are fathead minnows, white amur, Japanese koi, largemouth bass, bluegill, channel catfish, hybrid bluegill and shell crackers. We are also offering fish food, pond conditioner and pond maintenance books.

“As we inch closer to spring, we anticipate many area pond owners are preparing to stock their ponds with fish again,” said Kathleen Vrable-Bryan, district administrator. “We are excited for another opportunity to help these pond owners through our spring fish sale. Stocking ponds with fish helps to eliminate invasive weeds and promotes water quality.”

Orders can be placed with the district office by phone at 330-740-7995.

On the day of pick-up, participants will need to bring a container lined with a heavy-duty unscented black trash bag filled with your own pond water that can be tied at the top. The district staff recommends five to eight gallons of water per 100 fish. White amur must be placed in a container with a lid or liner large enough to be tied at the top. Five gallons of water is required for every two white amur.

For more information or pick-up recommendations, contact the district office.


For the trees, the Mahoning district is working in partnership with Licking County SWCD and other soil and water conservation districts throughout the state.

Many species of native trees and shrubs are available in various sizes and quantities, including red bud, silky dogwood, sugar maple, white oak, bur oak, Kentucky coffeetree and more. Additional items, such as wildflower seeds, tree tube and woodstake, dibble bar and rain barrel are also available for purchase.

The deadline to order trees is March 21. Orders can be placed online at lick ingswcd.com or directly with Mahoning SWCD. Pickup will be April 22.

Not all items are available in all counties. Licking County SWCD reserves the right to make reasonable substitutions if vendors’ supplies are limited.

Those interested in ordering more than 300 seedlings of the same species can contact the Mahoning SWCD for availability at 330-740-7995. Special orders for unlisted species must be a minimum of 100 of the same species and are subject on nursery availability and pricing.

A sales tax of 7.25 percent is now required for both online and offline orders. Any individual purchasing for a tax-exempt organization can print a county-specific order form and submit it with payment.

The Mahoning County Soil and Water Conservation District advances best management practices for conserving land and water resources by providing education, technical assistance and stewardship. Established in 1950, the district is staffed by a small team of environmental professionals who lead efforts in community and school outreach, stormwater control, watershed protection, pond management and more. The district is governed by a five-member volunteer board of supervisors and maintains offices at 850 Industrial Road in Youngstown.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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