
Enthusiasm hot for Polar Plunge

Over $14,000 raised for Special Olympics Ohio

BAZETTA — A showing of frosty bravery was on full display Saturday as locals, through gritted teeth, gathered along the icy waters of Mosquito Lake State Park to take part in the annual Polar Plunge. Despite bone-chilling temperatures and a blanket of snow on the ground, participants eagerly waited for their opportunity to contribute to a good cause.

It was only right that a familiar face took the first dip as 91-year-old Minnie Wolfe, of Niles, fearlessly dipped down to her shoulders in the frigid lake. Known by some around the event as the “Ice Queen,” Wolfe says she’s been taking the plunge almost every year for over 20 years. Her enthusiasm and determination served as a rallying moment for those also waiting for their chance to dive in.

“This exists for a reason,” Wolfe said “It’s to show people that the handicapped need people to help them so that they can have a lifestyle they can enjoy.”

Overlooking the large crowd in attendance she called it a “beautiful, beautiful,” sight to see. It’s one she says, “shows that people care and people watch out for each other to show there’s a lifespan for handicapped individuals.”

Shannon Meissner, director of development for the Northeast Region of the Special Olympics Ohio, said, “Minnie is amazing; she does more than the young folks that come out here. I’m so inspired that she does it and that she’s inspired by the cause and has a great love for what we do.”

The Polar Plunge, organized by a partnership of the Special Olympics Ohio and Cortland Moose Lodge, raised more funds this year than the previous two years. With creative costumes ranging from shark onesies to Santa suits, the plungers brought a whimsy touch to the 15 mph wind that blew across the frozen landscape.

As the countdown began, adrenaline mixed with shivers amped the crowd as participants prepared to make their splash. With a resounding cheer, the brave souls leaped into the lake, before exiting just as quickly.

Spectators watched in awe as they emerged, such as Youngstown State University student Nick Velez, 20, who showed up with his fraternity brothers from Sigma Tau Gamma as they do every year.

Velez, originally from the warmth of Colombia, said, “I don’t know how we do this,” through clenched teeth. He also said, “It’s insane to see what people will do for the sake of raising money, but it’s for a good cause.”

Seeing the young crowd in attendance was a welcomed sight for the old guard who usually attends the event.

“The amazing thing about the young people that come out is that they fully embrace inclusion in their everyday life. I see it every day in how they’ve embraced our athletes,” Meissner said.

Dressed as Santa, Navy veteran William Fain Jr., 59, of Austintown, said he was playing bingo at Army Navy Garrison when he promised Minnie (Wolfe) he’d escort her into the lake. This was his first year participating but says he’s always given back to good causes.

Meissner said funds go directly towards ensuring that athletes’ training and competition are paid for. She also said events like the plunge give them the ability to make sure families “don’t pay a single cent,” for any of the expenses.

This year, Meissner said over 100 people registered to take part in the plunge, raising over $14,000 in the process for what she says was the “coldest plunge that I’ve participated in with this cold snap.”

The plunge has become a beloved tradition for the Mahoning Valley, attracting not only locals but visitors from neighboring communities. It’s gained a reputation over its 10 years of operating as one of the area’s quirkiest winter events.

Shawn Harris, Cortland Moose Lodge president, says, “We’ve been involved for a lot of years and it’s been up and down, COVID kinda killed us for a while but we’re starting to build back up.”

When asked why he thinks so many bear the cold to participate, Harris said part of the allure is novelty but, “a lot of it is because of the cause. People like a reason to raise some money and get behind something and this is an awesome event to do that.”

Brad Ritenour, administrator of the Dover Moose Lodge, said they travel across the state putting on these plunges, calling it a “selfless” way for people to come out and take a dip in the frozen lake.

Participants joined in teams to take the plunge and fundraise.

Those teams consisted of local law enforcement, including members of the Warren Police Department, Bazetta Township Fire Department, Bazetta Township Police Department, along with members of the Champion High School baseball team and other teams consisting of local community and organization members that helped raise funds together.

Bazetta Fire Capt. Dave Walter and Bazetta Township Police Chief Christopher Herlinger were on standby as trained rescue swimmers versed in ice, swift and stagnant water training.

Both of them are members of the Moose Lodge that have participated in the event since about 2007, only missing one year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Neither has ever taken the plunge but called those that do a “special breed”

For those looking for relief, there was an ambulance offering warmth along with a rescue truck with specialized equipment for those who needed it.

The two called the event a great relationship builder among police, fire and the interdepartmental relations with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. “It’s a team effort across the board,” Heringer said.

In the past, Polar Plunges have raised between $63,000 and $76,000. The Moose lodges hold an annual conference in Columbus where they donate to the Special Olympics.

Special Olympics Ohio is part of a global inclusion movement using sports, health education and leadership programs to empower people with intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics Ohio provides year-round sports training and competition in 19 different sports for nearly 22,000 children and adults, according to its website.

The next plunge will be in Cleveland on Feb. 24 at the Gateway Plaza. The portal to donate will remain open and can be accessed at: https://give.sooh.org/event/2024-mosquito-lake-polar-plunge/e529468

Starting at $2.99/week.

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