
On the record: Hubbard Board of Education


WHAT: Board of education meeting Monday

PRESENT: Anna Martin, William Cummings, Josh Barr, Donald Newell and Amanda O’Neill

The board:

* Accepted the following donations: $10,000 and $2,238 from Greenwood’s Hubbard Chevrolet to the athletic department; $1,000 from Dr. Charles Sammarone Jr. to the athletic department; $422 from Shell / True North Giving Pump to the district; $600 from an anonymous donor to the food service department; and $50 and $250 from an anonymous donor and Marconi Youth Charities to the food pantry.

* Approved submitting a tax levy renewal.

* Approved employing a school safety officer and authorizing the officer to be armed within a school safety zone.

* Approved Todd Coonce as a school safety officer on a one-year contract, starting Jan. 6.

* Approved requested Family Medical Leave Act time for Irene Pizanias, a teacher.

* Approved Lisa Cricks as high school homework help substitute teacher for the 2024-25 school year.

* Approved Kayla Welsh as home instruction tutor for a 9th grade student for six hours per week.

* Approved Maria Pizanias as a long-term substitute teacher for science effective Dec. 3, with her end date to be determined.

* Approved Luann Eger as a substitute nurse to assist with health care as needed at $100 per day.

• Brandon Cantwell

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