
On the record – McDonald

WHAT: Village council meeting Wednesday

PRESENT: Sean Schmidt, Kyle Joynes, Kerry Reckard, Chad Jones, John Metzinger, Don Smith and Mayor Ray Lewis


• Approved the appointments of Troy Hostettler as emergency medical technician / firefighter; Robert Goldner as EMT / firefighter; and Todd Stitt as firefighter.

• Gave first reading to increase the uniform allowance for police officers from $600 to $900 per year, effective Jan.1. The allowances includes shirts, pants, uniforms and badges.

• Gave second reading for a 7.5% pay increase for nonsafety force employees, which includes 13 staff in the road, water and office departments, fiscal officer and building inspector, effective Jan. 1.

• Gave second reading to increase fees, including building permits, zone change fees and pavilion rentals. Swimming pool permits will increase from $25 to $75 and building permits for sheds, fences and other items from $20 to $30. Rental of the Woodland Park pavilion will increase from $30 to $50 for residents and from $60 to $80 for nonresidents.

• Scheduled final meeting of the year for 6 p.m. Dec. 19.

• Bob Coupland

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