
Canfield joins lawsuit against AT&T

Canfield City Council members unanimously approved a resolution to support the Ohio Municipal League’s challenge of AT&T’s Tariff Application at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.

The resolution from the Wednesday meeting noted that Ohio Bell Telephone Company (dba AT&T) filed on Dec. 18, 2024, a Telecommunications Form related to a change in its tariff for “construction charges, relocation of facilities.”

“AT&T is asking municipalities to pay to relocate utility lines. As law director, I say a Big No to all of this,” said Canfield City Attorney Mark Fortunato.

He said the application proposes requiring municipalities where AT&T is located in the entity’s right-of-way to pay the cost of any relocation or undergrounding of lines and equipment, “regardless of the reason for relocation.”

City Manager David D’Apolito said it would take a lot of funding to pay for that, not to mention specialized equipment and vehicles for that kind of work. Were it to pass, it would create a tremendous burden on all Ohio cities.

The Ohio Municipal League, of which the city is a member, is the entity that is challenging the application at PUCO. The OML is asking cities to pass the resolution supporting the challenge.

“Cities may be asked to contribute to the lawsuit,” Fortunato said.

The resolution passed unanimously with all city council members agreeing the AT&T request would be devastating for the city.

In other business:

l Councilman Bruce Neff reported Planning and Zoning turned down an off-set directional sign request for Mercy Health’s new walk-in clinic on Talsman Drive. The sign would be on East Main Street to draw attention to the clinic.

“It would have set a bad precedent,” Fortunato said.

l Public Works Superintendent John Rapp reported in 24 hours between Tuesday and Wednesday, his crews dealt with four water-main breaks. Two were on Hilltop, one on Holly Street, and one on Moreland Drive.

l D’Apolito said along with ice and snow removal, Public Work crews worked 24 hours straight to keep residents safe and with clean drinking water.

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