No drunken driving citations at Boardman checkpoint Saturday
Staff report
BOARDMAN — No drunken driving tickets were written to the drivers of any of the 429 vehicles that passed through an OVI Task Force checkpoint Saturday night into Sunday morning on South Avenue near Larkridge Avenue in Boardman.
There were two citations written for driving under suspension, three for adult restraint use, one for child restraint use, two for open container, two for traffic control devices and two for expired registration, according to a news release from the task force.
Task force agencies participating in the checkpoint included Austintown, Beaver, Boardman, Canfield, Goshen, Jackson, the Mahoning County Sheriff’s Office, Mill Creek MetroParks police, Poland Township and Sebring.
Of the 429 vehicles passing through the checkpoint, 11 were directed into the diversion area for further investigation, the release states.
“It is our hope that people make good decisions and choose not to engage in impaired driving,” the release states. “The Mahoning County OVI Task Force is committed to making the roadways in Mahoning County Safer and will remain vigilant in enforcing the impaired driving laws throughout the county.”
The task force is funded by a federal grant, which is administered through the Ohio Department of Public Safety. The task force will continue to conduct coordinated saturation patrol blitzes, corridor enforcement blitzes and sobriety checkpoints,” the release added.