
On the record


WHAT: Board of education meeting Thursday.

PRESENT: Vincent Ragozine, Joe Castor, Sue Ellen Harris-Davis, Joseph Datchuk and Tammy King.

The board:

•Accepted donations of $800 from James Criscione to the robotics program and $3,000 from Morgan Engineering System to the school’s Students Against Drunk Driving account for the Zachary Davis Latell Gift of a Lifetime Program.

•Approved a “Then and Now” certificate for $3,299 to ComDoc Inc. for printers, which the district is leasing. Superintendent Bryan O’Hara said leasing technology was common for large organizations, as it constantly changes.

•Appointed King to the district’s facilities committee and made her the annual business meeting delegate for the Ohio State Bar Association.

•Amended the following performance bonds: $20,000 to $50,000 for O’Hara and $25,000 to $100,000 for Maureen Lloyd.

•Approved Ashley Dodd’s resignation as districtwide classroom and building support personnel, effective Jan. 31.

•Approved Doris Stevens as substitute cafeteria staff for the 2024-25 school year at a rate of $11.25 per hour. Stevens also was approved as districtwide classroom and building support personnel on an as-needed basis at a rate of $15.60 per hour, for up to 8 hours per day.

•Approved Claire Bosela as Spanish Club adviser for a $846 stipend.

•Approved Alex Lundborg as robotics volunteer mentor for the 2024-25 school year.

•Accepted the resignation of classroom aide Jodi Zajack, effective March 10.

• Brandon Cantwell

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