
On the record: Jackson


WHAT: March 11 township trustees meeting

PRESENT: Tom Frost, John Jakubec and Fiscal Officer Judy Patton

ABSENT: Alan Hemphill


• Approved the township’s participation in the Tax Incentive Review Council. Hemphill and Patton were 2024 appointments and Frost and Patton were chosen for 2025.

• Accepted an assessment from Mahoning County Commissioners for the operation and maintenance of the Hazardous Materials Response Team. The assessment of $212.40 is based on the township’s current census population of 2,124 at 10 cents per resident.

• Approved upgrading the base of the driveway area and making modifications to the entrance of Covenanter Cemetery.

• Approved sending information to Grange Insurance for Fire Escrow Act compliance because of property at 9687 Gladstone Road that sustained damage.

• Approved use of the fields at Liberty Park by the Hot Stove League, provided the signing of all the necessary documents and schedule of their events. They are requesting the gates be unlocked April 1.

• Received a letter from Mahoning County Prosecutor Lynn Maro regarding HB315, which addresses body camera and video public records requests. Attorney Leonard Hall will now be handling public records requests. Maro included the law and policy that will be used by her office.

• Accepted payment from the Mahoning County Commissioners for the Leonard Parkway Paving tax increment financing of $163,995.65.

• Received a quote from Tri-Area for lighting (LED 300 watt) and pole at the police storage unit and fuel pumps at a total cost of $950.

• Approved the township’s final budget, with $4,469,583.24 available and $3,692,693.26 appropriated. The township has a carryover of $776,889.98.

• Closed out the township’s American Rescue Plan fund with the money spent on the following projects: New police vehicle – 2023 Ford Interceptor from McCandless Ford in Mercer, Pa., and upfitting of it by Hall Public Safety; new 2023 Chevrolet Silverado truck for the road department; sound system for the administration building from Integrated Solutions; painting of the township government building by Freshcoat; carpet in the meeting hall by North Jackson Marrett Carpet; a digital township sign from Ellet Sign Co.; paving of Fire Station Bays by Alexander Concrete; and main fire door repair by Lewis Construction of Warren. Total cost of ARP spent is $211,390.11.

• Discussed applying for the NOPEC sponsorship award for 2025 at a cost of $1,000, with applications needed by April 23. The award would be split, with $500 for Fire Safety Day and $500 for the police department.

• Accepted the NOPEC 2025 Energized Community grant.

• Successfully submitted the township’s 2024 Ohio Checkbook information.

• Approved the final bill to be paid for Tanker 69 for complete pump tear down and repair at a cost of $17,288.40.

• Approved probationary firefighter Sam Lovejoy and EMT Logan Mullins attending Fire 1 at MCCTC.

• Congratulated probationary firefighter Mike Hebebrand and fire Chief Mike Mortimer for completing Fire Instructor II training.

• Approved the township’s dispatching services agreement with Austintown at $11,000 for 2025, with the first half due June 30 and second half due Dec. 31. Trustees will re-evaluate the 2026 compensation to determine an actual cost of services provided. The minimum cost will be $30.66 per call.

• Approved the transfer of two Taser X26 models to the Mahoning County Sheriff’s Office for training purposes as the Jackson Police Department no longer uses that model.

• Approved the installation of key fobs from Austintown Lock and Key on the outer and inner police doors at a cost of $2,065, which includes labor and equipment.

• Approved the resignation of police officer Steven R. Jones after 4.5 years with the department. He was hired at the Kent Police Department and bought his bulletproof vest at $331.11 from Jackson to take it with him to Kent.

• During an emergency meeting March 14, trustees approved a new phone system after considering several phone company proposals. A five-year contract was chosen from Full Service Network at $260.09 monthly along with a $400 activation fee. The entire system is now capable of making and answering calls from land and cell phone lines with the same number. A 5G backup system will be added if needed for an additional $1,000 install fee and a change in the monthly fee to $291.87.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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