Progress reported on Girard theater
GIRARD — City officials are proceeding with work at the Wellman Theater on West Liberty Street.
City council has approved a contract with A&I Health Solutions of Vermilion for asbestos abatement and limited interior demolition of the theater at a cost of $56,405.
Safety Service Director Mark Ragozine said the work will begin shortly. City officials have discussed restoring the theater and making it available for performing arts groups and local theater companies.
In addition to the asbestos remediation other work will include new roof, heating and air conditioning systems, seating and restrooms.
The city is working to renovate the theater as a performing arts venue and has secured grant funding, including a $300,000 grant from the state’s capital improvements budget. Officials also are seeking additional funding from the state.
Last week, the city entered into a cooperative agreement with the Western Reserve Port Authority to help get the Wellman Theater marketable and ready for development.
Councilman Jeff Kay, D-3rd Ward, said the port authority has resources, such as engineers, financial experts and planners that the city does not have to get projects done.
Mayor Mark Zuppo said the reopening of the theater will be the “cherry on top” of the city’s revitalization efforts.
Also, Zuppo said the police department will be cracking down on parking violations as there have been vehicles parked on the wrong side of roads and also too close to fire hydrants. He said “No Parking” signs will be posted reminding people not to park on the same side of the street as a fire hydrant and the traffic officer will be paying more attention to violators.
In other matters. Kay said he has noticed a problem of residents placing couches and other large items at curbside. Zuppo said he has spoken with Republic Services about the issue and how such items can be picked up, which is through a special truck and by making an appointment.
Law Director Brian Kren said the Girard Municipal Court will be increasing the cost of paperwork for each speed camera ticket that is mailed out from $10 to $20 per ticket. Previously the cost increased from $5 to $10 per ticket.
Councilman John Moliterno, D-at Large, said council would like to have a meeting to discuss the cost increase because of all the speed camera tickets being given. It was previously reported that the police department gives between 1,500 and 2,500 tickets monthly.
Speed camera tickets for Girard, Liberty and Vienna are handled by Girard Municipal Court as all three communities use them.
A total of 3% of speed camera fines are used for the Wellman Theater project.
Council also has approved changing the distribution rates for income tax collections in 2025.
The change is that 5% of the income tax will go to the recreation fund and zero to the garbage fund.