Some of Campbell’s roadways will get facelifts
CAMPBELL — Later this year, residents and others who drive through parts of the city likely will notice a smoother commute.
That’s because major roads such as Bright, Morley, Madison and Palmer avenues are slated for repaving, Mayor Bryan K. Tedesco said during his monthly town hall meeting Wednesday evening at the community center in Roosevelt Park.
The work had gone out for bids, with North Lima-based R.T. Vernal Paving & Excavating Co. selected to perform the work, Tedesco noted.
The four thoroughfares had their share of potholes. Water lines that had been installed under Morley and Palmer avenues broke and caused such upheavals, he said.
In addition, new sidewalks will be added to Madison Avenue, the mayor continued.
The work is estimated between $400,000 and $500,000, with the city to pay its $230,000 match, Tedesco said, though he was unable to mention a start date for the projects.
Also at the session, Tedesco announced the upcoming Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church’s Greek parade and program to celebrate Greek Independence Day.
The parade is scheduled to begin 1 p.m. March 29 near Tenney Avenue and 12th Street, next to city hall.
Nikos Kastrinakis, president of the World Council of Cretans, will be the keynote speaker.