
Youngstown woman out on bail following drug arrest

LIBERTY — A Youngstown woman is out on bail after pleading not guilty to drug paraphernalia and firearm charges at her arraignment Monday.

Myrtriece Bulls, 28, was charged with improper handling of a firearm and drug paraphernalia after being arrested by Liberty police Sunday, with an additional carrying concealed weapons charge being added at her arraignment.

According to the police report, an officer on patrol at Belmont and Belgrade avenues noticed a blue Ford Expedition traveling northbound with no form of temporary tag, license plate or rear registration, which prompted him to conduct a traffic stop.

When the officer made contact with the driver, Jermaine Bunn Jr. and Bulls, the passenger, Bunn explained that the vehicle’s rear window was just fixed, but the tag for it was somewhere in the back of the vehicle. When the officer asked if there was anything illegal or any weapons in the vehicle, both Bulls and Bunn responded “no,” the police report states.

The officer asked the question again after noticing Bulls was trying to control her breathing, noticing a vein in her neck pulse, and Bunn told the officer there was just some weed in the backpack between Bulls’s legs. The officer noticed multiple clear sandwich bags in it after she pulled the marijuana out.

The officer ran their information through LEADS, which revealed an active Mahoning County warrant, and the registration that Bunn had was expired, the report states.

As Bulls was arrested for her active warrant, she told officers that she did have a gun in her jacket, which she didn’t want Bunn to get in trouble over because “he’s not supposed to be around guns.” She added that the gun belonged to her brother, and told the officer who came to provide backup that she had never used it, but it had a full magazine.

The report states the officer found the firearm, a black Taurus 9mm with a full magazine and two loose live rounds, but also found marijuana and similar paraphernalia inside the backpack. Officers also discovered a small metal bowl with an unknown white powdery substance inside, as well as a gold digital scale and a measuring cup.

Bunn denied knowing about Bulls’s weapon, admitting that he was a convicted felon on parole.

Bunn was charged with drug paraphernalia, having weapons under disability and a traffic citation.

Bulls and Bunn are both set to appear back in court for pretrial March 26, Girard Municipal Court records show.

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