
Sound off!

Who is in charge of the Poland Library’s “refresh” and why is the project taking so long? Efficient planning and awarding of contracts allowed Interstate 95 in Philadelphia to reopen less than two weeks after it collapsed, but Poland Library sits with no sign of any work being done. Someone owes the community an explanation and an apology.


One can only hope the work on Midlothian Boulevard between Southern Boulevard and Market Street is not complete. If the goal was to have an obstacle course, then you’ve succeeded!


To the Poland resident who sounded off about the LGBTQ Shakespeare play at Boardman Park on June 17, since when does rank bigotry qualify as common sense? Isn’t it pretty arrogant to assume that all taxpayers agree with your assessment?


I read a line in a prayer today: “a call for intellectual honesty in the application of moral and ethical principles” — sadly lacking in today’s politics. Where have honesty, ethics, simple class, diplomacy and graciousness gone in today’s politics? Instead, we have loud mouths, name calling, totally rude, crass and immature speech patterns. And, when all else fails, simply lie. These examples appear here to stay. That is very sad commentary for our world today.


Is it any wonder America is divided? Donald Trump is charged with 31 felonies, having records he was entitled to have. Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden have classified documents they had no right to, yet go uncharged. Hunter Biden commits felonies, tax evasion and lying on ATF Form 4473 with penalties of up to 12 years in prison and large fines. Biden’s DOJ charges Hunter with misdemeanors for which he will receive probation. I thought no one is above law.


Cal Thomas’ column about Tim Scott’s visit to “The View” twisted the exchange. When asked if there is systemic racism in America, Tim replied there isn’t. He used examples of elections of Obama, three black senators and a black vice president as proof. His examples indicate progress but are exceptions to the rule. Look at wealth gap, health care disparities, wait times to vote, a recent DOJ report about the Minneapolis police department, southern state gerrymandering, etc. We’re not there yet.


This week, the AFL-CIO endorsed Joe Biden, a senile 80-year-old controlled and manipulated by an unelected cabal, to again represent the Democratic party as its presidential candidate in 2024. What people or group are currently responsible for the idiotic policies promoted and generated by this administration, no rational person believes, it is Joe Biden. Does the AFL-CIO know? Do you? Obviously, the AFL-CIO likes the current political arrangement. Is it really best for the future of this country?


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“Sound off!” publishes Saturdays to provide readers with a forum to applaud successes, discuss issues, point out local problems or review events of the day — all in a constructive manner. Preference is given to local issues, but will not include local election issues. Selected “Sound off!” submissions are published. Names are not included, but residential community is.

Limit “Sound off!” comments to 80 words. Submit longer comments as “Letters to the Editor,” a separate forum that publishes Sundays.

Submit via email to soundoff@tribtoday.com or via the Virtual Newsroom by going to www.vindy.com and clicking “Submit News” and then “Sound off.”

Sound off!

Have something to say?

Have something you want to get off your chest? Share it here with other readers.

“Sound off!” publishes Saturdays to provide readers with a forum to applaud successes, discuss issues, point out local problems or review events of the day — all in a constructive manner. Preference is given to local issues, but will not include local election issues. Selected “Sound off!” submissions are published. Names are not included, but residential community is.

Limit “Sound off!” comments to 80 words. Submit longer comments as “Letters to the Editor,” a separate forum that publishes Sundays.

Submit via email to soundoff@tribtoday.com or via the Virtual Newsroom by going to www.vindy.com and clicking “Submit News” and then “Sound off.”

Indicting someone a grand jury has found likely to have committed a crime is not a crime. The criminal behavior of the indicted may well prove to be. If you believe the loser of 2020 is being persecuted, go ahead and elect him. Wait till you see what he does to you if you disagree with his foolishness. There aren’t enough buses in the country to throw all of you under.


Deflection is yet another flawed strategy of the Republican Party. Trump gets indicted and the right starts with, “What Hillary did was worse; why isn’t the DOJ pursuing her?” For a year, all we heard every day was “Lock her up.” Trump and the GOP had the power for four years and did nothing. For certain, charges would have been filed had there been a crime committed. Trump and his loyal cohort would not have again lied or mislead, would they?


Austintown Second Amendment advocate: You can’t have your cake and eat it too. The right to bear arms goes hand-in-glove with a well-regulated militia. Read the amendment. Even though the rich and powerful gun lobby has lobbied the government and courts to deregulate gun ownership and ignore part of the amendment, you shouldn’t be able to own guns unregulated. Defend your freedom, but don’t murder innocent people. Regulate guns.


It’s hypocritical for the left to criticize the right for being intolerant when the left physically attacks peaceful protesters outside abortion clinics or vandalizes pro-life centers. It is anything but tolerant when the left harasses, chases and threatens a woman for speaking out about men competing in women’s sports.

Parents have not only the right, but the duty, to speak up about what is taught in classrooms.

If you demand tolerance from others, you need to show it yourself.


Trump, Pence and Biden all had possession of classified documents. Pence and Biden cooperated with returning them. Trump did not. For a year and a half, he refused to return them, moved some to avoid discovery and ignored court orders to return them. There’s testimony and pictures that suggest he is guilty. Pence and Biden were investigated, and Trump is being investigated. No one is above the law. Let the law run its course, and let’s see what the jury says.


Every time someone says or does something the former president doesn’t like, he launches into a hate-filled tirade. It’s hard to say whether he is just venting or trying to goad his supporters into attacking the unwelcome persons. Either way, he can afford the most prominent defense attorneys. If he is innocent of all charges, why not just sit quietly and let the attorneys prove that? Why spot the spotlight on people who are lying about him?


Donald Trump is a narcissistic misogynistic childish criminal. The bigger question is why are there so many people so afraid of calling him out on his actions? Besides Chris Christie, all the other candidates are afraid of him. What has happened to America that 70 million people bow down to one individual who is the worst possible example of what a leader should be? The Republican Party should be better than this, but obviously it is not.


Kudos to Boardman Park officials for taking a pass on an LGBTQ+ rendition of a classic Shakespeare play. The decision to send the theater company to another venue reflects common sense and an obligation to the taxpayers and their families who fund the park’s operations.



Sound off!

Three Ms of Girard: Music, Mufflers and Motorcycles! The fourth M is Miserable if you’re expecting peace and quiet. Girard is known for enforcing speed limits, but there’s no punishment for exceeding excessive decibels. Complaints about cars producing window-rattling bass, vehicles with deafening exhaust and motorcycles with music blasting go unanswered. In addition to speed cameras, how about noise meters on poles coupled with license plate readers? Make it known in Girard you must go slow and also go low.


Did librarians ever think they would see book banning in the US, not because of pornographic content, but because some think the stories might make their child “feel bad.” Now they could lose their job or be jailed. Did history teachers ever think they couldn’t teach truth about American history, but only good parts of our past for the same reason? Apparently today’s parents don’t think their children can handle truth about the world. How will this generation face real problems when adults?


Just today I went to my doctor’s office. The waiting room was packed with many people. As we sat there, everyone there was in a good friendly mood. What a wonderful day to be past the days when people were afraid to share any comments or look at each other. Maybe this country will get past the past president, especially that he has again been indicted. Time to move on everyone!


Recently we’ve been hearing about air quality and fires in Canada. I agree people with lung problems like COPD or asthma should be careful during this time, but are we so fragile now that even healthy people are wearing masks and staying indoors? These fires are hundreds of miles away and smoke dissipates as it travels through air. We get unhealthy air advisories every summer, not just from smoke, and we don’t get all worked up. People need to relax.


Second Amendment opponents don’t understand why we need it. It’s not about hunting. Nor was its purpose for protection from robbery or assault. Opponents also fail to understand the 1790s mindset. We had just fought a war against an oppressive government that trampled our rights. Founding fathers believed we needed ability to defend ourselves from tyrannical government. It’s time to stop government overreach and violation of our rights. Once the second amendment is gone, what right is next?


ABC interrupted regular programming to air that the loser of the 2020 election announced (again) the date and place where he will be indicted. Then they allowed extra security would likely be needed. Could they blow that dog whistle on behalf of the likely leader of the attempted insurrection any harder? All his supporters with a weapon will want to strut their stuff as ‘patriots’ before the producers of that airing realize they’ve been played (again).


It is sad the far right, the espoused ultra religious of all, are attacking people of diversity, color and nationality. It seems they are angry with our world, and many are jumping on the bandwagon to let us know how wrong we are with our tolerance of the differences of mankind. I have to wonder if some even know what they are protesting. Kindness goes a long way toward promoting peace.



Sound off!

Have something to say?

Have something you want to get off your chest? Share it here with other readers.

“Sound off!” publishes Saturdays to provide readers with a forum to applaud successes, discuss issues, point out local problems or review events of the day — all in a constructive manner. Preference is given to local issues, but will not include local election issues. Selected “Sound off!” submissions are published. Names are not included, but residential community is.

Limit “Sound off!” comments to 80 words. Submit longer comments as “Letters to the Editor,” a separate forum that publishes Sundays.

Submit via email to soundoff@tribtoday.com or via the Virtual Newsroom by going to www.vindy.com and clicking “Submit News” and then “Sound off.”

I walk in Boardman Park, and I would like to thank the many who make it a beautiful place to appreciate nature. They work tirelessly planting flowers and manicuring the grass. It’s a wonderful place to picnic with friends and family. To those who litter, please throw away your trash. There are many receptacles — some only steps away from where you leave your empty bottles and wrappers. Keep our park clean and beautiful so everyone can enjoy it!


I read a couple is trying to get public funds to supply their property with sewer and water. The property shows zero maintenance, truly an eyesore for years I’ve driven past it! After 40 years of ownership, one would expect investment there, not to just harvest rental income. I have a house I built and lived in for 45 years. It takes investment and work to maintain. What happened to personal responsibility? Look in the mirror for the blame.


I see Girard created a new nearly $100,000 associate superintendent. Why? I sent four kids through Girard schools, and all did great. Why do we need to have someone do the superintendent’s job for him? This is why taxpayers are getting fed up — stupid spending of money.


Will we never learn? More deaths, many children, each week from guns, whether handguns or assault-style. The Second Amendment, ratified in 1791, most likely made sense a century ago, especially when weapons, like muskets, were not as quickly lethal. The only wars here are now Americans killing one another, many for absolutely no reason. This amendment is now old and obsolete, and should be repealed. Too many have been killed; common sense should prevail somehow.


Never in history has an American president been impeached twice, indicted, convicted of sexual abuse and under investigation by multiple law enforcement agencies. True, only because no other president has put himself in that position. And, these are a form of bragging rights because “he is being persecuted.”


Our nation’s youth are suffering, and what are we doing? LGBTQ, et al., are being terrorized and frightened for their existence. These children and adults are nothing new. Jesus is constantly asking us to be forgiving and accepting of all, and kind. But we are not following Him. Instead we make it very difficult for children and their families. With so many other real, scary problems facing this country, choosing to attack children is unconscionable.


Ohio leaders voted against diversity training in Ohio schools. Why? Because it’s the latest boogeyman they can brag about getting rid of. This time it’s to protect children from feeling bad while ignoring how lack of sensitivity hurts minorities. Understanding bias decreases fairness. Ignoring biases leads to last hired, first fired, unfair discipline in school, more police stops, stiffer sentences, decreased medical care, higher loan rates, poorer education, etc. We all are better when we’re fair to our fellow man.


You’ve seen the light, haven’t you? In all this darkness, who can make out the truth? They hate and kill. So you hate and kill. And now you’re doomed. What is the blackness? It’s the hate and there’s too much of it! It’s all around choking us; a sickness — not a virus, or microbe, or germ — a sickness. Contagious, deadly. Don’t look for it in a bad dream. Look for it in a mirror before the light is gone forever.


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