
Tressel gives positive message on goals for Ohio

Those surprised by Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s choice for lieutenant governor must have been encouraged last week when Jim Tressel spoke to the state about his priorities. When so much in Columbus can feel overly specific or exclusionary, Tressel understands it is time to look out for ALL of us.

“We’ve got to make sure the concern for our Ohioans and their fate, their future is our chief concern, and sometimes it doesn’t line up individually with what I’d really like. Maybe it doesn’t serve my needs. But the chief interest and the decisions we make need to make sure we’ve kept in mind the needs of all of our Ohioans.”

What a refreshing take. Sure, he’s got his personal priorities and an agenda that could be pursued. But he knows doing so would not always mean doing what is best for everyone.

Though his work as a leader has been mainly on the football field, Tressel was upbeat about his new responsibilities.

” … I promise you this: I can listen, I can learn, I can love, and I can apply all the lessons that I’ve learned … I can apply them to see if I can be a positive part of an extraordinary team and have an extraordinary 695 days” as lieutenant governor, he said.

Tressel went so far as to talk about what he believes to be an important trait by which DeWine governs as well.

“He truly follows every day (with) the belief that he wants every single person in this state to reach their God-given potential,” Tressel said of the governor.

All. Everyone. Each Ohioan deserves to know there is a government working on their behalf, not against them.

Tressel’s Mahoning Valley ties also shouldn’t be overlooked. It has been some years since our area had someone at such a level in state government in Columbus. Tressel’s history as a coach, educator and president of Youngstown State University — and a longtime advocate of the Valley and its people — can only help over the next couple of years.

If Tressel holds to his words, and DeWine is as like-minded as believed, it could be an uplifting 695 days.

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