There’s still time to get informed for the primary
It may come as a surprise to some Ohioans, but military and overseas voting has already begun for the May 6 primary election.
That’s right, ballots are in the mail for an election less than six weeks away.
If that has snuck up on you, during such an eventful aftermath to the November 2024 general election, there is still time to get involved and get informed.
April 7 is the deadline to register to vote in the May 6 election. Early voting, including absentee and in-person voting, begins April 8.
In many ways, the kinds of decisions made during these off-year, spring elections can have more of an impact on our daily lives than those made during the once-every-four-years headline grabbers.
Issue 2, a proposed constitutional amendment to fund public infrastructure capital improvements by permitting the issuance of general obligation bonds, is on the ballot. There are tax levies, school bond issues — all kinds of decisions that must not be left up to the tiniest of percentages of the voting population.
Check your registration, get registered (if you are not, already), and then vote in the manner most convenient for you.
Meanwhile, if you want to help ensure the May 6 primary goes off without a hitch, consider pitching to serve as a poll worker, too. Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose is so eager to fill the gaps in our poll worker ranks that, as his office mails out those military and overseas ballots, he is asking members of the military and veterans to consider serving as poll workers, too.
“As veterans, we swore an oath to protect our nation. Now, I’m asking you to continue upholding that life-long oath by helping protect our democracy. You can do that by stepping up as a poll worker this spring,” LaRose said.
Register, vote, help if you can, and don’t let May 6 pass you by without having made your own voice heard in these very important decisions for Ohio.