Why I’m supporting Buttigieg for president
As an attorney and former legislator, I find the best approach to be work first, but fight when you have to. That’s the kind of leader I want in the Oval Office. And that’s why I’m supporting Mayor Pete Buttigieg for president of the United States.
I met Pete in 2017, but I also know him by where he’s from. South Bend, where Pete grew up, is a lot like the Valley. Pete has spent eight years bringing new jobs to South Bend, revitalizing their downtown and modernizing infrastructure — just like we worked to do at the Statehouse. I know that an honest guy like Pete, from a city like South Bend, won’t turn his back on the Youngstowns, Cantons and Toledos in our state.
Because of his background in the military, the private sector and as mayor, Pete speaks about issues in ways that real people understand. He received an impressive education, but he doesn’t get bogged down in policy. Pete listens, and he connects.
I believe it’s time for a new generation of leaders. That’s why I joined the Senate at age 30 and why I ran to be Ohio’s youngest governor in 100-plus years. Leaders our age have the experience and skills to do the job, but can also tackle modern problems with fresh ideas.
Pete can also bring people together across the aisle. As a former boxer, I’m not afraid of a fight. But we can’t just throw bombs at the other side all the time. Pete gets that. It’s clear in his “Medicare for All Who Want It” plan and when he works with rural Americans to fight climate change: Pete cares about getting things done.
Finally, Pete will be a president Americans can be proud of. It makes me sick to turn on the TV and see the president hurling personal insults. Our kids and grandkids are watching.
Throughout his campaign, I’ve watched Pete admit when he’s fallen short, stay calm when provoked and act both down-to-earth and dignified. Having a leader in the White House whom our kids can look up to would be a welcome change.
There may be other candidates who are better known or have been in politics longer. I respect every one of them for what they’ve accomplished. But a choice must be made. Pete Buttigieg is the candidate I believe in. I invite Ohioans to join me in supporting this remarkable leader.