
Democracy is alive and well in America


2024 was one of the most dramatic, intense and consequential years in American history. Many are jubilant over the outcome of the presidential election; others are less enthusiastic.

Over the last four years we have been under siege by a series of compounding travesties touching every sector of our society and national culture, values, ideals, hopes and fears. Our language of words and their definitions have been abducted from their origins of first meanings and forced through the contortions of ideological-theological struggles.

We have been forced to embrace gender redefining and use of pronouns of inconsistent obscurities and fallacies defying physical facts of reality in clarity and open borders as the epitome of morality. Further compounded by an insistent demand to accept lawlessness as being simply self-expression and the rule of law as oppressive.

For some the phrase “threat to democracy,” became a rally cry. Yet, hidden is an ideological-theological definition couched in its word use which makes it unrecognizable.

A large segment of the American people engaged this election with the atrocities of the 2020 election looming as a present unknown threat and feared repeat. Prior to every election cycle each county Board of Elections is required to conduct integrity and accuracy testing of each voting machine. At the core of the testing are test ballots unique to each precinct location, some with overvotes and/or undervotes, along with others. Such ballots are recognized by each machine and kicked back to the voter under first assumption that the voter may have made a mistake giving the voter opportunity to correct it.

Noting that a person is not required to vote in every race or issue, it is the voter’s prerogative. Each machine is programed with a select option to accept the voter’s ballot as is. It is absolutely imperative that every machine is tested and functions according to all statewide standards upholding election integrity! Failure to do so is consequential in itself!

2024 presented a decisive fork in the road of the American struggle to keep our Republic. American patriots from every sector, ethnic, religious, and political identity, whether they are Independent-Non-Affiliated, Republican or Democrat, including those who were first time voters raised an historical cohesive voice for Freedom. In turn they won the day with the majority popular vote and electoral vote electing the 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump! YHVH showed favor!


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