
Retired teachers earned the benefits they will receive


I am writing in response to the Sound Off from Hubbard in the Jan. 11-12, 2025, Vindicator. As a retired educator I am extremely happy that the WEP has been repealed. I have been denied part of the Social Security that I was due for 11 years because I have a teacher’s pension. It is not an “outlandish” pension, it’s one I worked hard for and deserve. You must not have any teacher friends or family members given your anonymous comments. Teachers are often undervalued by many people in society. Remember, without teachers there are no other jobs.

I taught for 34 years, 30 of them in West Virginia, which is where my pension is from. Teachers in West Virginia contribute a percentage of their salary to the state retirement system, with their employer also contributing a percentage to the fund. West Virginia teachers also pay into Social Security; they pay the same percentage as everyone else. So, explain to me why it is fair to not pay me what I am owed, based on my contributions. Are you saying that you think it’s fair that because I have a pension, I don’t deserve my full Social Security? Everyone who pays into Social Security deserves the full benefits they are entitled to. No ifs, ands or buts. Social Security is going to pay us what they took from us in 2024. What about the other 10 years?

I would also like to address your statement that teachers work a second job during their three-month “vacation” every summer, because they want to. Those who “choose” to work often do so because they struggle to make ends meet on their salary only. Although, it’s no one’s business why anyone works an extra job. Most teachers must complete continuing education requirements or are taking graduate classes during the summer, but they find time to work if needed.

I earned every penny of my pension and my full Social Security!



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