
RFK Jr. should be approved to lead HHS


The Vindicator’s daily poll question on Thursday was should the U.S. Senate confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as health secretary? My answer is a resounding yes.

I first started paying attention to RFK Jr. when he wrote an article about Thimerosal that appeared simultaneously in Salon and Rolling Stone in 2005. Thimerosal is a cheap mercury preservative that has been used in multidose vials of some vaccines including the flu vaccine. His article was later removed from both publications due to pressure from the pharmaceutical industry.

I next saw Kennedy speak on the lawn of the Capitol in 2008 at the Green Our Vaccines rally. The rally was addressing the fact children are getting too many vaccines too soon. As the years have gone on Kennedy has only become more vocal about the problems he has discovered with the childhood vaccine schedule that has grown unabashed since manufacturers of childhood vaccines were granted blanket liability protection in 1986.

President Reagan signed into law The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. A law that was meant to protect children injured by vaccines but ultimately became something that protected the pharmaceutical industry. We’ve witnessed the CDC-recommended childhood vaccine schedule grow from a handful of vaccines to 36 doses of vaccines plus flu and COVID “recommended annually” starting at 6 months to 18 years of age. A whooping 72 doses.

Today, 54% of American children now suffer from at least one chronic disease when obesity is included. We are not a healthy nation. Our public health agencies have all been captured by the corporations they are supposed to be overseeing. This can’t continue. Kennedy has been suing these agencies for 40 years on behalf of Americans.

Now, as head of HHS he can reform our public health agencies to better serve and protect Americans. He is the right man at the right time. Confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr to Make America Healthy Again.



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