Why can’t United States citizens be safe?
Stop the attack on good people!
I feel that New York should clean out these people that attack good people that protect the bad people so they can go to jail and be right back out so they can hurt others. I feel that any city that does this should be boycotted.
They are not safe. If you help protect others on the subway they attack you. The mayors that don’t want to protect the city should be removed. They are the enemy working against the citizens of our country.
Bring all these people into our country so they can destroy our homeland. They want to use the race card. The woman in New York said that white people hate them. She is the one that is racist. The city and their policies killed this young man, he didn’t get any help. His father should go after the DA, he is the one that is destroying the young people of New York.
People, when you become citizens of this great country you become a family, it doesn’t matter what race you are. We are a family. We have to fight to keep the family strong. We can’t let them divide us. We have to protect the young people from all this hate and lies that these people are saying. Poor education is destroying their lives. They can’t read, write or do math. Let’s get back to basics. They need to teach them how to become great citizens.
New Middletown