A solution that is in search of a problem
Like all members of Congress last week, no doubt Mike Rulli was flooded with calls pleading with him to do something to stop Elon Musk and Donald Trump from tearing apart our country’s institutions.
In response, Reps. Rulli and Dave Joyce came up with a bill to fix a problem so obscure that few have ever heard of it, to keep a Chinese club out of public schools. I respond with the following points:
1. China doesn’t have to infiltrate our schools for information. It need only ask its friend Musk, whose gang of questionable young marauders took control of all the confidential records of everyone in the US.
2. Fully fund public schools and they won’t have to turn to international sources for money. Rulli’s former Ohio Senate colleague Matt Huffman is currently reneging on the funding plan promised to public schools for six years, at the same time forking over a billion dollars to private schools.
3. If it’s propaganda that’s a concern, close the school doors to LifeWise Academy, the Christian Nationalist propaganda machine that insists on disrupting the school day to teach kids their parents are going to hell if they’re unmarried or gay.
4. Congress had the chance to assert its authority to protect the USAID funds that it had already approved and designated. Too late; USAID is destroyed. Now, desperate, sick, and starving people all over the world will look to China and Russia as heroes, instead of America.
This bill is like straightening the Titanic deck chairs while the two co-presidents smash the hull to bits — weak, inadequate and missing the mark.