Skipping the emperor’s coronation
I’d like to share with The Vindicator readers my reply to 47’s invitation to his coronation this month:
“Dear 47, I am writing in response to my invitation as a guest at your coronation on Jan. 20. While I appreciate the attempt to reach across the aisle, so to speak, a previous engagement will have to take unfortunate precedence.
“Quite candidly, although somewhat embarrassed, I have a long-standing appointment with my proctologist. Like your experience with bone spurs to avoid the Vietnam draft, my condition began prior to and with your 45th term on the throne and now exacerbated as you embrace this 47th fateful attempt at leadership. Unlike yourself, however, my condition is treatable. Unfortunately, this emperorship, with yourself at the helm, the captain of our ‘Ship of State,’ so to speak, is doomed from the very beginning. Let me provide a couple of reasons why this 47th venture will fall into yet another abyss of mediocrity:
1. For the most part of your adult existence, any semblance of a moral compass has been completely absent. Traits such as character, integrity and morality have seldom, if ever, been evidenced. Apparently, the lack of adequate nurturing attachment and bonding acquired at birth, during childhood and beyond, has morphed into the malignant narcissistic traits exhibited daily. I have come to this conclusion based on extensive reporting by your siblings, former acquaintances and colleagues, to say nothing of the numerous mental health professionals addressing your disingenuous persona.
2. As head of the White House ‘clown car,’ you have included so many miscreants who all could not be extensively exposed in this brief response. However, suffice to say by most credible expectations your conglomeration of unfit sycophants could never, will never, be able to leave this country. On the contrary, you and that errant collection of jackals will continue to be seen by many in our country and on the world stage as unfit plutocrats, and certainly not as genuine representatives of humanity.
In closing, Emperor #47, may I quote the famous but quite appropriate line from one of Hans Christian Anderson’s stories of the same name, “The Emperor Has No Clothes.”