Trump believes his own malarkey
47 and JD flailed and failed to bully a brave man seeking help for his beleaguered country in our Oval Office. The scripted attack by two bogus “tough guys” disgusted and embarrassed most Americans on Feb. 28. The following Monday, a petulant Trump threw a snit and paused current aid, likely killing Ukrainians on the front lines to salve his puerile pride.
Two rats attacking a sausage would have been equally “great television” as Trump called the 28th. Like empty oil barrels, 47 and JD made a lot of noise for their base whilst the free world is reacting with all the “respect” they (not their temporary offices) are due for their display of incompetent diplomacy.
If you watched the March 4 MAGA rally, thinly disguised as an address to Congress, I want to share something I learned while working at a long since closed hospital for people suffering from mental illnesses. In many instances, patients had terrible tactile sensations, e.g. they felt insects crawling on them. Of course this wasn’t true, but they actually could feel the non-existent creatures. Trump’s rambling speech, with all its superlatives for accomplishments as yet undone, may have come from such an incapacitating problem. He believes what he said, though much of it is fanciful.
Trump’s greatest contribution to our republic is his demonstration of how badly and quickly it can be laid low by chronic liars, hypocrites, felons and a train load of incompetent cultists holding office. Character counts; pity there’s so little of it in the White House and Congress.